Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A day in the life of a mom

 Child: Mom, mom, mom, mom 
 mom: What?
 Child: Can you get me a drink?
 Child:  mom, mom, mom, mom
 mom: What?
Child: I am hungry
 Child: mom, mom, mom, mom
 mom: What?
 Child: my shoe is untied
Child: mom, mom, mom, mom
mom: What?
Child: can I watch t.v.
Child; mom, mom, mom, mom
mom: what?
Child: can I play at my friends?
Child: mom, mom, mom, mom
Mom: What?
Child: will you read me a story?
Child: mom, mom, mom, mom
mom: What!?!
Child: I love you
Mom: I love you too!
And it is all worth it!!!

I am so glad I get to be their mom!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can so hear this whole conversation. Love it. But yes so worth it!
